Brand Design

College project, I worked alongside an entrepreneur to develop the redesign of her brand. She made and designed backpacks for women. This backpack were very strong and she wanted to sell the idea that you could go everywhere with her backpacks

Brand Design

Client project, a family bakery that wanted to give a professional image to their clients. This bakery was focused on natural ingredients and very handcrafted process



College project, aimed to explain a physical experiment trough animations and interactions. In this case the physical experiment was two ice cubes on different surfaces and see witch one unfreezes faster

Brand Design/Co-founder

Client project, "Movimiento Caribe" is a fundraiser in Costa Rica aimed to help marginal communities in Limón, Costa Rica. The focus of the fundraiser is to leave a mark and help these people during the pandemic


Featured Projects

Re-branding: First I worked alongside with a marketing advisor, to define and understand the client's needs. Once we discussed with the client, trough interviews, we defined the concept of the brand and based on the concept, I started working on different proposal until we work trough the right one

Front-end Web design: Once we defined the style, looks and feelings of the new brand we started to work on the redesign of the web page. In this case the page was purely informative, so I had to work only as a Front-end designer.

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CIP is a US company that develops security software for different types of companies (Casinos, Malls, Hospitals and others). CIP has their own web application to create and personalize the software for their clients. This interface is used by CIP's developers.

My objective in this project was to redesign this app, from a UX/UI standpoint, understanding the logical process of CIP and the developer's needs to create a new and better experience for my users the CIP's developers

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UX/UI Design of Hiking App

Hiking app concept aimed to promote a specific hiking route in Costa Rica called "Route Between Volcanoes".

User centered design, focused on the architecture of information and the user interface and it's validation with real users trough tests.

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Space Shooter

Game design, Space Shooter is game between two players that try to defeat each other by shooting. In this case the challenge was to design and develop a game  for PC that doesn't use the usual Mouse/ Keypad interaction.

This game uses Color Tracking and Sound detection as a form of interaction User-System.

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